Berangère Fromont: Cloud Connected

“…In a landscape where nothing was recognizable, except the clouds, and in the middle, in a field of forces crossing tensions and destructive explosions, the tiny and fragile human body”-from Illuminations: Essays and Reflections.

David Heath: “Dialogues With Solitudes”

“It is true that he made images at a distance, at arms length as it were, but there is a considerable, rather a palpable feeling in the images that Heath is almost placing himself next to his subject”.

Sybren Vanoverberghe: The Future of the Past is NOW Over

“The discipline of history is to weigh heavily on our beings. Without the harness of its chagrin, we float hereditarily as non-entity, just as we float into those futures in the same capacity of nothingness, but presumed possibility”.

Erik Kessels: SHIT and Empty Infantilism

“I think that this is an argument that needs definition and that in doing so, following it up with the above analysis mentioning of colluding Nazis to the smell of shit and gay activity to the Nazi and his shitting, we are reducing gay men to shit smelling Nazis whose sexuality is thus limited and demonized incorrectly”

Kacper Kowalski: A Cut From Above

“There is also the play of “organic sight” seen from the unusual perspective looking down from above. It’s a interesting play between seeing things (purposefully without use of drone)…”

Paul Kooiker: Eggs, Almonds, and Cyanide Memories

“I was at the time considering how closely cyanide and almonds share a space on the tree of life, blissfully co-existing to produce milk for incompetent digesters while also nestled very close on the same branch which gave Himmler a soft exit.”

Christopher Anderson: Manic Compression, High Definition Society

“Cameras are now so advanced that the way we look at our image is now under the threat of becoming unrecognizable with its intense dedication to the state of high definition-pores counted, we recognize a hyper version of our once-future self absconded just far enough to promote simulation and techno-progress, but still close enough to give us doubt about our reflection.”

Index G: Giving Script Race, Giving Race Script

“Until you step into the frame of a divide, whether racial, economic or other, the words, the calculations and the slow pulse of a printer spitting out excel spreadsheets and dissertations for coffee-stained board room meetings to university viva defense chambers simply limit the constituency that they purports to encourage…”

Ruth Van Beek: The Arrangist

“If you are of a certain generation you will be able to read the work or at least the genesis of its flow by association to children’s television, gardening and cooking books on your grandparents shelves…”

Daniel Shea: A Purpose-Built Citadel of Economic Despair

“What do the citadels of disaster capitalism tell us about our New World Reich-The Trump Tower, but also the Lehman Brothers buildings, the ING Insurance Corp building, the Rockefeller Center etc? It tells that Epcot Center looks great on bath salts under all those gleaming lights and mirrored windows-prohibitive to the many, inviting to the few”.