Bare Life, Bare Tech: Richard Mosse’s Incoming

“Agamben’s ‘bare life’ is visualized through the refugees and migrants, desperate lives in search of a better future and for us, a potential vision of a dystopia where the extreme polarity between those of us inside and those outside is distinctly highlighted.”

Sean Vegezzi: Curiosity, Retail Spaces & Terror

“Since I was a child, I’ve had a fantasy of hiding in a retail space just before it closes, and coming out at night to merely walk around, re-arrange some things, and maybe sit or lay on some furniture, nothing harmful whatsoever. Snow Cab felt like a fulfilment of that childhood fantasy, within a 6 floor, or 60,000 square foot retail space.”

Interview with Kazuyoshi Usui: Projecting Showa

“These poor cities are nevertheless radiating vivid colours, as if bolstering up daily lives with significant visual appeal. I see their desperation to live, to the point of feeling pains. I find it enormously beautiful.”