Masuda Yoshinori: Tiger 2
“Masuda repudiates the spectacle, revealing another side to the existence these creatures face using the simplest aspects of repetition and chance.”
“Masuda repudiates the spectacle, revealing another side to the existence these creatures face using the simplest aspects of repetition and chance.”
from The Animals @ the Estate of Garry Winogrand Winogrand disdained those who treated photographs not as photographs but as an extension of painting. The Animals and Their Keepers: Garry Winogrand and Photography After Septempber 11 By Hilton Als “The Animals,” a book I was moved to reexamine after the events of Sept. […]
Gorilla, 1998-1999 Rather strange and even surreal images of the zoo give us a chill: Gazing into it for a moment, you might find it reminiscent of an empty stage or a cell in jail. By Young-Taek Park JeongMee Yoon’s black and white photos have our gazes wandering somewhere in-between animals and their […]