Interview with Hristina Tasheva

Hristina Tasheva’s newest book, Far Away From Home: The Voices, the Body and the Periphery (Self-published, 2023), is an ambitious attempt at mapping the disparities between two national experiences of Communism in the twentieth century — the Dutch and the Bulgarian — as they were impacted by the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. The […]

Erik Kessels: SHIT and Empty Infantilism

“I think that this is an argument that needs definition and that in doing so, following it up with the above analysis mentioning of colluding Nazis to the smell of shit and gay activity to the Nazi and his shitting, we are reducing gay men to shit smelling Nazis whose sexuality is thus limited and demonized incorrectly”

Peter Piller: Unheimlich As Above…

“A good number of the images allegedly had annotations written on the images such as “not interested in pictures”, “Deceased”, and “Looks better from the ground” written on them”

Trophy Camera: A New Fear of Organizing Principals

“The AI eventually begins making decisions based on the data analyzed and begins to wade through the torrent of images available in its repository selecting successful images for a hierarchy or production and re-distribution of usefulness within the sets of codes previously implied”

Real Nazis: Trauma is the Trigger, but When?

“It is also to remind people that the condition of “evil” or trauma exists only in the post-event and that we do not recognize, as Arendt mentions, the force of its implication while it is being formulated”