An Open Letter to Felicity Hammond From Art Rotterdam/The New Unseen

To: American Suburb X   Subject: Open letter to Felicity Hammond Amsterdam, 17-02-2020     Dear Felicity, We are Fons Hof and Johan de Bruijn, the owners of the “new” Unseen. We have read your open letter and are very sorry for the way you have been treated, more so as you are […]

No Picture Needed. An Open Letter to Unseen from Felicity Hammond

Open letter to Unseen. February 11, 2020 I am writing to retract my payment request for the artworks sold, expenses incurred and the commission realised as part of your art fair in 2019. You have no intention of paying me or the countless other artists, filmmakers and writers whose invoices are long overdue. I cannot […]

Bryan Schutmaat:The Goddamn Interview

“In very broad terms, it seems that the work made in the West during the 20th century portrays a prolonged event – a disaster, you could say – that unfolded as modernity overtook the landscape and ideologies were instilled in American culture”.

Klaus Pichler: This Will Change Your Life Forever Interview

“Nevertheless, the current submission of spirituality under the rules of the capitalist market, forced by an armada of suppliers, is a development, which has he potential to irreversibly transform questions of belief into marketable services and tools.”