Fernweh: An Interview with Teju Cole
“I proceed in conversation with the camera, with other photographs, with other photographers, I forget about what writing can do, I think about what photography can do.”
“I proceed in conversation with the camera, with other photographs, with other photographers, I forget about what writing can do, I think about what photography can do.”
“Images from French photographers in West Africa, Madagascar and also the Middle East, such as studies by Tancrede Dumas focused on hair as a way of defining difference”. Of all bodily parts most associated with photography, and though I would like to think there are many, hair remains the bodily material most associated with […]
@ The Estate of Karlheinz Weinberger “Youth culture disavowed the mainstream façade of marriage, home, family, and traditional ageing instead looking to music, fashion, drugs, and listless sex for inspiration. They concentrated on the open roaming way of life best exemplified in cinema with “Easy Rider…”” Karlheinz Weinberger’s photography has its roots in […]
“Jules Verne in his novel of the same name uses the phenomenon as a metaphorical tool in which the protagonist Delphine searches for a rare meteorological phenomenon which doubles as a search for interpersonal connection.” Pulse. Questions, rather interrogations must be committed to. Is jugular distension normal? A sinuous pulse distorts the natural curves of […]
“It’s always the differences that inspire. We rarely document the “familiar outside”
“You’re right in saying that it is an examination of power, because power needs to be examined in order to be structured”
“Every media has its own effect and fascination” Beni Bischof’s a product of his generation. His artistic output seems to make peace with being raised in the 70s and 80s. There is a consumptive pattern of material use. Absurd images of advertising enabled by an errant hot dog here and there and the drip of […]
The earth arcing up in anger at the sky – is the only part of a lightning strike that is visible to the human eye. By Eugenie Shinkle, ASX, February 2015 Lightning – at least the part of it that we can see – doesn’t come from the sky. Invisible fingers of negatively-charged particles […]
(Images © The estate of Karlheinz Weinberger) For decades the work of Swiss photographer Karlheinz Weinberger was shrouded in obscurity. In the 1950s he published numerous homoerotic photographs under the pseudonym “Jim” in Der Kreis (The Circle), the legendary international gay magazine that featured highly sophisticated photographs by, among others, George Platt Lynes and […]