Mårten Lange – Threshold

Humans leave traces of their presence almost everywhere they inhabit in the built environment. It’s difficult for humans not to leave a mark, as they have a tendency to leave a marker of their passing, however involuntary or intended. This is partly due to how we view our world and its obligations to suit our […]

Gerry Johansson’s Meloni Meloni

“Where is “the thing I am not seeing”?”   We’ve become quite accustomed to understanding the importance of photographs based on the frenetic pace that they occupy. Our eyes are expectant. They hover over an image looking at the embedded chaos of news images, photographs of cities, etc. and when they are challenged with a […]

Carl-Mikael Ström’s Montöristen The Birth of Redeemable Language

  “Self-apathy, self-torment, and a penchant for observations oscillating between peaks and troughs of life’s banes and boons-or what my friend Jeffrey Silverthorne once described as “Swedish grain syndrome”.     “The photograph is for nothing”. Truer words are yet to be spoken. Another in a series of Constant Effigies and notorious negations. A child […]

Maja Daniels: The Elf Dalia Interview

“My initial desire to make this work was my connection and fascination with the language. A language that has existed in my family for hundreds of years but that I do not speak”.