An Interview with Fred Herzog – ‘In His Own Words’ (excerpts)

“I was aware I was taking art. That’s the conceit of young people. I knew that what I am doing is not only unique, but that someday I’m going to unpack that and shock people with it.”   Fred Herzog In His Own Words, from interviews with John Mackie of the Vancouver Sun in June, […]

Petite and Magical, Luigi Ghirri’s: ‘Kodachrome’

For Ghirri, the world was a labyrinth and making pictures was a means of “tell[ing] the real identity of man, of things, of life, from the image of man, of things of life.”   By Vladimir Gintoff, ASX NYC, March 2013 In 1935 Eastman Kodak introduced Kodachrome. A film stock praised for its idiosyncratic, hyper-saturated, […]

Jamel Shabazz: “Back in the Days” (1980’s)

Back In The Days documents the emerging hip-hop scene from 1980-1989 – before it became what is today’s multi-million-dollar multinational industry. Back in the days, gangs would battle not with guns, but by breakdancing. Back in the days, the streets – not corporate planning – set the standards for style.

Antoine d’Agata – “Anticorps” (2013)

Uno dei personaggi più controversi nel panorama della fotografia contemporanea, con un approccio all’immagine esplicito, diretto, carnale. La Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia di Milano ospita “Anticorpi”, la personale di Antoine D’Agata (fino al 1 settembre 2013) con una selezione di foto scattate negli ultimi 15 anni della sua attività. “E’ uno strano mix di […]

ASX.TV: Mark Cohen – “Photographer” (1982)

CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHIE IN THE USA – Cinematic workshop discussions about an art form in our day and age. Documented photographers: Robert Frank, Duane Michals, Garry Winogrand, Lee Friedlander, Thomas Roma, Alfred Stieglitz, Harry Callahan, Lisette Model, Ralph Gibson, Mark Cohen, Joel Meyerowitz, Stephen Shore English – Colour – PAL or NTSC – 4:3 – 52 […]

Joel Meyerowitz – “Photographer” (1982)

CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHIE IN THE USA – Cinematic workshop discussions about an art form in our day and age. Documented photographers: Robert Frank, Duane Michals, Garry Winogrand, Lee Friedlander, Thomas Roma, Alfred Stieglitz, Harry Callahan, Lisette Model, Ralph Gibson, Mark Cohen, Joel Meyerowitz, Stephen Shore English – Colour – PAL or NTSC – 4:3 – 52 […]

Weegee: Portrait of the Artist as a Paparazzo (2006)

He was so respected by the NYPD that they let him fit a police radio in his car, but even with that edge, his uncanny ability to show up at a crime scene before the police even knew about the crime gave him his nickname. Weegee was so fast that he must be getting tip-offs […]

Lee Friedlander: “An Exemplary Modern Photographer (excerpt)” (1975)

  Friedlander’s work provides some of the first and best examples of what has become a widespread approach to photography. It was part of the general reorientation of the sixties within American art. Within photography his work violated the dominant formal canons not by inattention but by systemic negation.   By Martha Rosler, excerpt from […]

thomas alleman

An Interview with Thomas Alleman – “Dancing in the Dragon’s Jaws” (2012)

  Interview with Thomas Alleman, originally published in ZYZZVA, December 2012 By Lucy Schiller From 1985 to 1988, photographer Thomas Alleman worked in a jimmy-rigged laundryroom-cum-darkroom to document the life, passion, and spirit of one of the most prominent and historic gay neighborhoods in the world—San Francisco’s Castro District—in the face of AIDS. His latest […]