Stanley Kubrick’s Photographs of 1940’s NYC

    Between 1945 and 1950, Stanley Kubrick worked as a staff photographer for LOOK magazine. Only 17 years old when he joined the magazine, he was by far its youngest photographer. Kubrick often turned his camera on New York City. (All rights reserved. Images @ The Estate of Stanley Kubrick.)

20 Years of Planetary Alignment in Ed Templeton’s ‘Wayward Cognitions’

@ Ed Templeton These are the moments when the planets are aligned, when the eyes of the passer-by meet the camera and when metaphor slides into reality.   By Owen Campbell, ASX, February 2015 There’s a signature expression in an Ed Templeton photograph; it’s not something that he gravitates to, rather, it’s something that occurs […]

Ken Schles on ‘Invisible City’ and ‘Night Walk’

“For generations the Lower East Side was a churning cauldron of activity. Site of immigrants (my own family passed through there more than a century ago), it already had a long history of renewal and decay.”   Alex Bocchetto of Akina Books Interviews Ken Schles   Alex Bocchetto: With Invisible City you narrated New York’s […]

Robert Frank’s “From the Bus” (1958)

  In the summer of 1958, several months before The Americans made its debut in France, Frank began experimenting with moving pictures. But before turning wholeheartedly to filmmaking, he made another series of still photographs, From the Bus. After the unparalleled freedom of the Americans project, Frank vastly restricted his point of view by shooting these […]

INTERNET GOTHIC in Doug Rickard’s ‘N.A.’

 XZc7w, 2011 @ Doug Rickard   Horrorcore, a sort of contemporary American gothic, with all the inherent inversion of values.   INTERNET GOTHIC and Transcendentalism in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction By Owen Campbell, ASX, January 2015 In the preface of National Anthem Doug Rickard quotes Walt Whitman; in the coda he quotes Woodie Guthrie. […]


  Issei Suda was born in Tokyo in 1940 and graduated from the Tokyo College of Photography in 1962. He worked as a freelance photographer from 1971 and taught for many years at the Osaka University of Arts. (All rights reserved. @ Issei Suda.)

Saul Leiter – “In No Great Hurry” (Trailer) (2014)

Trailer for the forthcoming documentary In No Great Hurry – 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter. @innogreathurry “I believe there is such a thing as a search for beauty’ Saul Leiter could have been lauded as the great the pioneer of colour photography, but was never driven by the lure of success. Instead he […]

Saul Leiter’s Color Street Photography – The Palette of NYC

    Interview excerpts: “I’m sometimes mystified by people who keep diaries. I never thought of my existence as being that important. I have a deep-seated distrust and even contempt for people who are driven by ambition to conquer the world … those who cannot control themselves and produce vast amounts of crap that no […]

EAMONN DOYLE: “i” (2014)

Here the street is the background upon which single figures stand. (Or rather, lean). The streets become backdrop, grey slate with stripes and arrows, designs on the pavement. Doyle is more of a stalker than a flaneur.   Eamonn Doyle i, Review by Ellen Wallenstein for ASX, June 2014 Eamonn Doyle’s book i is a […]

Nagano Shigeichi: “Nagano’s Tokyo” (2014)

By Caille Milner, for ASX, May 2014 Why does Tokyo look so unfamiliar in Nagano Shigeichi’s photographs? He used no slights of hand; followed no special methodology. His influences were the usual ones for his generation — William Eugene Smith, Life magazine, celebrated Japanese photojournalists like Kimura Ihei and Fujimoto Shihachi. He didn’t have pretentions […]