Tag Archives: Sex

Antoine d’Agata: Your Dishonesty is the Codex for My Vitriol
“Mexicali, the capital of Baja California state, is not unique among border cities. All along the United States-Mexico border, women and girls are going missing.”

Pier Paolo Pasolini: Bodies and Places, Dis-articulation and Distance
“… no matter what conjecture there is about his death on the beach of Ostia under the wheels of his own car, genital’s hammer-smashed and reeking of Vatican gasoline, throat laced with limp skin from broken bone between sand and sea, his light lingers on…” The Films of Pier Paolo Pasolini are without doubt established […]

AM Projects & Akina: BKK Experimental
“I went with Laura looking for gay go-go bars and assisting her to shoot in brothels and demolished hotels, I shot with Daisuke in backstreets at night (he was photographing with some weird infrared hunting device) while Hiroshi was using a document hand-scanner to capture surfaces and the intricacy of bed-sheets, lingerie and curtains, later on we found out he also scanned bodies. I spent the nights with Olivier wandering the dark corners of Chinatown.”

Ain’t No Fuckfest: Kanye West’s “Famous” Aftermath Pornography
“I do not care if you like Kanye or his music, but if you are not realizing the genius surrounding his product empire, you may be guilty of overlooking what is actually on offer.”

Kinky City: Tokyo’s Listless Sexual Banality
There was something nearly satisfying in the midst of tying his sister’s best friend to a board of broken glass

Five Uneasy Pieces: An Interview with Juno Calypso
Reasons You’re Tired All the Time, 2013 “I feel like this question is saying ‘can you still be a feminist when your camera is aiming at your ass?” If so, my answer is yes.” BF: Within the theatricality of your images, you seem to be hinting at a considered perception of the feminine […]

An Interview with Larry Clark: “If It’s Part of Life, It’s (Not) Pornography”
“No it’s not!” I said, “I’m going to prove to you that it’s not. I can do this and it’s not pornography!”

Tiane Doan Na Champassak: Mirrors Don’t Reason
Tiane Doan Na Champassak is a machine. He works incredibly hard and is one of the busiest publishers of his work out there.

Peter Mann: A Perfumed Hand Grenade
All of the images have been collated from the Internet and are displayed spread by spread.

Briney Breezes: The Sun-Baked Bruise
“Briney Breezes” is a distinct and somehow discomfiting collection of images between Charles Johnstone and the tireless Aaron McElroy.

Jan Hoek: The Pattaya Sex Bible and the Asian Rim
Jan Hoek’s “Pattaya Sex Bible” is a quizzically interesting and chapterized set of small books, reminiscent of travel brochures or Asian cuisine menus pushed through letterboxes across Europe every day.