Nicolai Howalt – A Journey: The Near Future

  There comes a point in our lives when the incessant cavorting, energy expulsion, and general themes of youth come to a crawling end. Associated with the recognition of these moments are a series of mid-life acknowledgments. First, if one takes up the standard biology-the coupling, work, and family routines, the dissipation of specific energies […]

Festival Images Vevey Roundup 2020

“Lake Geneva is situated along the borders of France and Swtizerland and is surrounded by dauntingly beautiful Chablis Alps, which features Le Grammont,-the region’s highest summit”   I had the pleasure of visiting the Swiss Biennale Festival Images Vevey last week. The festival, which occurs every two years in the small, but lush town of […]

SĂ©bastien Girard – “STRIP-O-GRAM” (2012)

The male strippers parade their sexuality and occasional flamboyant 80s hairstyles in front of paying female customers, who grin and push dollar bills into their thongs.   Strip-o-Gram By Paul Loomis, ASX, February 2013 In 2007 Sebastian Girard set up an automatic email alert on eBay for keywords related to photographs and strippers. Over a […]