Uta Genilke – Replikant

I did not want to use Bladerunner as an analogy for this photobook simply because the title implies an association. I find nothing immediate in the book that relates the film to Uta’s miasmatic and crepuscular photographs. However, I could marginally make that leap if I wanted to chalk the images up to having a […]

Five Photobooks from 2023

For the complete list, please consult the Nearest Podcast in the following weeks, where I will MC over a much longer list of the great books published this year. For this list, I wanted to keep the books down to five that I feel will define the artist’s career or are crucial to the medium. […]

Bad Sex: Rita Lino’s ‘Entartete’

Entartete delivers solitary sex and guilt and self-revelation so fierce that sometimes it leaves you gasping.   By Eugenie Shinkle, ASX, July 2015 Entartete is German for ‘degenerate’. It’s the title of Rita Lino’s latest book. Picked out in lurid Gothic script, the word greets you like the opening credits of a horror movie, leaving […]