Matthew Genitempo – Dogbreath

  Matthew Genitempo is producing serious photobooks. Of the three books that I am fortunate to have on my shelves, his latest Dogbreath is one of his finest, but it is hard to create a hierarchy between it, Mother of Dogs, and Jasper. All three titles are excellent offerings, and it would benefit photobook makers […]

Fabio Sgroi: No Future, Every Future

“1) Violence is total. This is exemplified not only by placing the punk character in films such as “Return of the Living Dead” or “Suburbia” or “Warriors” as the outcast and misunderstood alienist as transgressor…”


As a frequent visitor to concerts at Paradiso, Amsterdam’s long-running music venue, in the early 1980s, Dutch photographer Max Natkiel encountered all manner of subcultures: punks, new-wavers, rockers, mods, Rastafarians, squatters, and metal- and skinheads. Eventually he decided to bring along his camera and started making portraits of the fascinating people he found; a collection […]