Igor Posner – Cargó

The first time I looked through Igor Posner’s Cargó (Red Hook Editions, 2022) I was bewildered. I did not know, for example, that across 160 pages and what feels like triple that number of images, it would express the disjointedness and poignancy of memory, or that it would render the experience of time passing as […]

An Interview with Jill Freedman (2007)

  Jill Freedman: An Interview (April 2007) When did you start taking photographs and what did you choose to photograph? JF: 1966. Woke up one day and wanted a camera. Borrowed a friend’s, went out into the street, shot two rolls, and knew I was a photographer. Were they photographers that have inspired you? And […]

NYC Subway Graffiti Artist Sharp – Interview (1984)

Chester Pannell interviews Sharp regarding his subway graffiti in New York City, which at the time was rather controversial and debated as a form of art. His paranoia is understandable, as anyone actually living in the year of Orwell could relate. A restored version will be released in the far future. Feb. 1984, episode #34.

Sean Vegezzi: Curiosity, Retail Spaces & Terror

“Since I was a child, I’ve had a fantasy of hiding in a retail space just before it closes, and coming out at night to merely walk around, re-arrange some things, and maybe sit or lay on some furniture, nothing harmful whatsoever. Snow Cab felt like a fulfilment of that childhood fantasy, within a 6 floor, or 60,000 square foot retail space.”

Raymond Depardon: ‘Manhattan Out’ and ‘Adieu Saigon’

from Manhattan Out @ Raymond Depardon and courtesy Steidl What exists of the sensual atmosphere is counterbalanced by scenes like street-side school for teaching the newly-blind how to walk and the mangled bodies, living and dead, just hanging around. By Owen Campbell, ASX, September 2015 2015’s Adieu Saigon is a collection of images shot in […]

An Interview with Eugene Richards: ‘Cocaine True, Cocaine Blue’ (1995)

Excerpt from Popular Photography, August 1995 Q: When did you get the original assignment to photograph the drug scene? A: I made a trip to Detroit for Life in the late 1980’s to research the drug problem. It went badly. I couldn’t get anyone to help me break into the downtown Detroit scene. When I […]


    Many Japanese photographers came to New York to take photographs in the seventies and eighties, Kitajima arguably produced the best. Keizo Kitajima spent six months in New York roaming it’s gritty streets and hanging out in its clubs. He presented a vision of eighties New York, full of energy, decadence and moments of […]

Marilyn Minter: Pretty/Dirty Glossy/Dangerous

 Blue Poles, 2007. Enamel on metal, 60 x 72 inches   Medusa was in various forms of legend alternately beautiful and hideous; a telling difference, in that it suggests either extreme is equally liable to turn a man to stone.   The words Pretty/Dirty, the title of Marilyn Minter’s current exhibition at Contemporary Arts Museum […]

Leon Levinstein – Street Photography

Bold and bluntly framed, the images are enthused with a voyeuristic atmosphere and an emphasis on body shapes that at times seem to hint at the grotesque.