Dreamscapes and Sensory Experience – An Interview with Bill Henson (2015)

“It was the dreamscape of the suburbs that interested me.”   An Interview with Bill Henson by Sabine Mirlesse Sabine Mirlesse: 1985 is work you shot thirty years ago – what were you doing in Egypt? Bill Henson: As a boy I was obsessed with Egypt and Egyptology. I’m convinced it’s not that uncommon. A […]

Auto-Erotic Post-Coital Bliss – Lotte Reimann ‘Jaunt’

  The duo had created the membrane of their meeting based on the physicality of the auto and their drive to intertwine their bodies through their primary, yet graceless couplings via a chance meeting in an etherized world of electronic falsettos and cum-soaked chat rooms.   By Brad Feuerhelm, ASX, May 2015 The sun stretched […]

Ren Hang and the Production of the Hidden Idealized Body in China

 To act out of one’s desire that has been purposefully cloaked under ideology is in fact a direct transgression against the state.   By Brad Feuerhelm, ASX, April 2015 First, let it be said that this oversize production by dienacht of Ren Hang’s work is lush and beautifully crafted. The pages overlap and folds of […]

Ren Hang ‘Human/Nature’ at Capricious 88

The theme is a twine of two strands: the uncanny connection of human bodies and questionable distinction of humanity from nature.   By Owen Campbell, ASX, March 2015 The fifth floor gallery space of Capricious 88, on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, is large and airy, with south-facing windows facilitating bright sunlight even on overcast days. […]

Alexis Penney – Sore, 2014

“Well, I got in trouble for putting naked photos on the Internet when I was seventeen.”   Alexis Penney, Sore, 2014 “Well, I got in trouble for putting naked photos on the Internet when I was seventeen,” Alexis Penney told me, when I asked how long he’d been taking photos. Penney, who told me she […]

Harry Callahan Loved Eleanor, Barbara and Chicago

  “He just liked to take the pictures of me. In every pose. Rain or shine. And whatever I was doing. If I was doing the dishes or if I was half asleep. And he knew that I never, never said no. I was always there for him. Because I knew that Harry would only […]

An Elegiac Response to the Ghost of Surrealist Decadence in the Work of Paul Kooiker

@ Paul Kooiker This is where our shared habits meet concrete. All the possessions accumulated, obsessions sought and tendered in the infernal light of my psychic affairs have led me into the unforeseen garden of these earthly delights.   By Brad Feuerhelm, ASX, February 2015 August, 1935 This is where our shared habits meet concrete. […]

Helmut Newton: Evi in Beverly Hills

      Evi, Beverly Hills, 1996 “I like the idea of trespassing. I got to write that down too. It’s quite true that what I am aiming at, even when I take portraits, is to get a scandalous picture. I would love to be a paparazzo.” – Helmut Newton EXPLORE ALL HELMUT NEWTON ON […]