Michael Kerstgens 1986

  There are global moments in history that feel like tipping points of major changes when you view them retrospectively. In the case of Michael Kerstgens exceptional new book 1986 (Hartmann Books, 2021), the writing on the wall could not be more clear looking back at the year. I remember 1986. I am old enough […]

Anush Hamzehian & Vittorio Mortarotti: Most Were Silent

“It is to accept that an image, though agreed as unable to achieve absolute status has many interpretive layers and one of these is the age of the viewer and his or her relation to the subject matter within the frame(s) conditioned by history, time and nostalgia…”

Ruth Van Beek: The Arrangist

“If you are of a certain generation you will be able to read the work or at least the genesis of its flow by association to children’s television, gardening and cooking books on your grandparents shelves…”

Bruno V. Roels Interview: A Palm Tree is a …

“To me, everything is language. Language allows you to use a limited set of elements to build ever changing and endless worlds.” Bruno V. Roels’ work encompasses many layers of language, economy, history and repetition which hints a greater understanding of where photography becomes complicit in its indelible position as a conduit for fragmented meaning. […]