Larry Clark – Return

This is a fascinating and unexpected title. I suspect that some people might consider it a repeat of images that circulate through Larry Clark’s opus Tulsa, and that is not a wrong way to feel about it, but what is important is how we see the periphery of images from that incredible body of work […]

Yasuhiro Ishimoto – Lines and Bodies

  The gift of Japanese photography is that it feels like a never-ending field of exploration. It is a wide field of study, and if one invests in the material created in Japan from around 1958 forward, the returns are plentiful. Having put off embracing the canon of Japanese photography for most of my career […]

Dinaya Waeyaert Come Closer

  Images of intimacy, are often suggested, as a foregone conclusion, as images of love, closeness, and empathy. Intimacy is a term that is laced with positive and nurturing qualities and suggests a decoupling of the reality that forms its basis-namely the trials, as well as tribulations that are part of what makes a shared […]

Christopher Anderson Son

Every photographer parent that I know has what to the non-parenting world seems like a self-indulgent family album project. Every. one. of. them. Myself. included. Some have several. Making photographs of the family is part of the experience of getting through life. We use the camera to illustrate the mundane, the banal, and the exciting […]

Pacifico Silano I Wish I Never Saw the Sunshine

The scopic drive, or scopophilia, is, as defined by the psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Jacques Lacan, the human unconscious desire being triggered by our looking and being looked at. It is inherently sexual – it’s about pleasure, or lust, derived from observing or being observed. The notion has been heavily surveyed in psychoanalysis and reflected throughout […]

Stephen Gill’s Sublime Decay Please Notify the Sun

“Our human power of observations rests between these worlds and it cannot acknowledge either of them fully by sight. We must remain content with our dull labor and horizons and accept that without the invention of superior optics, we are blind to these worlds”   There is a world that exists in an unobservable form […]

Seiichi Furuya & Christine Gössler Face To Face

  “We may consider these types of photographs as a glimpse, a grimace or a greeting between subject and viewer, nothing more”   It is hard to condense seven years of intimacy into the frames of 35mm negatives. You cannot easily graph the moments that pass between two orbiting worlds, the moments of affection, disagreements […]

Erik van der Weijde Lithium

  “We do not scream out in apathy. We look and we observe the condition that circulates our everyday. Stoicism is a front. It covers the mechanics of our suffering”     I would assert that some of the strongest works produced in photography are those in which something grave is laid bare and vulnerable […]

Walter Keller: Beruf: Verleger. A Tribute

“So, when we consider respect in the medium, we can limit our discussion by looking at who is contributing to our world and who is not. Publishers by and large are the unsung heroes of the day”.     A friend of mine recently commented on the lack of risk-taking in publishing. I took some […]

Nan Goldin: The Other becomes The One

“Instead of seeing Goldin’s re-edit as encompassing the visibility of any specific group, it invites reconsideration in an approach delinking the narrative of otherness towards what I see as a photographic project of genuine care.”

Margot Wallard’s Natten: The Phoenix Condition

“The phoenix condition is a dilemma that is induced by trauma. The person operating under its influence must find absolute zero in order to rebuild and rejuvenate oneself against the grain that death provides”