Lewis Bush: General Interrogation and Jersey Metropole Primer

“There are downsides of course to these multiple identities. You can find yourself developing a bit of a split professional personality and it can make it difficult at times to know where to best direct your energies. Other people struggle with your split loyalties as well.”

Jurgen Maelfeyt: Precious Things

“Lips is just one of his titles that works between the space of desire, appropriation, the body and what I will loosely label as the ethereal space between memory, nostalgia and history considered the “collective design unconscious.”

Susan Lipper Interview: Domesticated Land

“I was very motivated by Deborah’s Bright’s 1985 essay: Of Mother Nature and Marlboro Men, which stressed the importance of differing subjective viewpoints from the established patriarchal vision”

Hayahisa Tomiyasu: TTP, An Immoveable Feat

“In a dialogue where it is often difficult not to mention “medium specificity”, it would be fair in jest to contemplate why photography’s utility is toward change and simultaneously toward stasis. Stasis is where comfortablility lies, but this position also breeds contempt.”

John Divola: Time, Vandalism and the Engineering of Crypto-Architecture

“Vandalism” is a way in which to authorize or sign off on a negation of agreement of form and intent. It is to suggest that at its heart, what vandalism does is to distort the fabric of time in appearance governed by the individual” Crypto-architecture is not purposeful on the plane of first person experience. […]

Guillaume Simoneau: All Lies Beneath A Placid Surface

“Simoneau and his use of the plastic documentary, those metaphorical images that punctuate his book in their sublime manifestations of beautifully drawn and dark passages of smoke rolling across the tree line and the sickly arachnid all but giving up on the stalk of a flowering plant of unknown taxonomy lend to the feel of […]

Anthony Hernandez Interview: Forever

“I went down there and saw all these little paintings of landscapes, houses, little beautiful scenes. The light on that picture is from reflections of cars going underneath the freeway. The whole roll was faint, faint, faint. And then there was the clown. There are so many places like this, it goes on forever.” On […]

Emmanuelle Andrianjafy: Nothing’s in Vain

“Everything about the city made me uncomfortable and raised questions: the landscape, the atmosphere, the situation, the agitation, etc. It seemed so imperfect. I wanted to understand this chaos.” To the West, is the Atlantic Ocean and the Americas. Facing East, the huge Sahara Desert. The city of Dakar in Senegal sits in between these […]

Sam Contis Interview: Deep Springs

“I think the darkness at the periphery of the work also comes from a desire to acknowledge a certain brutality inherent to the history of the western landscape, and to the struggle for survival within it.”