Mårten Lange The Palace

Mårten Lange’s The Palace, KARL, 2024, is a brilliant continuation of his last self-published photobook, Threshold (KARL, 2023). The two books share a systematic approach to addressing iterations of architecture that morph and suggest, among other things, portals to history and the domestic interior as ephemeral markers, respectively. The shift from his previous books, Ghost […]

Robin Graubard Road To Nowhere

Review Excerpt Graubard’s Road to Nowhere is a mercurial title. Published by Loose Joints, the last home of which I might expect to find a book on civil war and discontent to be published, the work reflects neither a war book nor a specific Aftermath book. Aftermath or post-event photography is a genre that looks […]

Mohamed Bourouissa Périphérique

  Where the interior of anything of consequence meets its exterior lies a point of tension that is best understood by an examination of limits. In terms of social experience and urban dwelling, this is no different. Designs in 20th and 21st-century forms of living have made the urban experience a questionable experiment much to […]

Jet Swan Material

  I have been thinking about Jet Swan’s book Material for the past week. This is a fortunate sign. It marks it as one of those books that float across my desk that at first glance I feel some sympathy with, not total, but then it, or the images inside of it, burrow into my […]

Giles Price Restricted Residence Thermal Observations

  “To call Price’s book clever would be a disservice to himself and those involved. It is brave and brilliant in its assessment of the topic and should be valued for what it is not-a rush to exploit the sensitive undergirding of tragedy as featured in the work(s) of D’Agata and others”   I am […]

Photobooks of the Year 2020/Welcome to the Castle

“Earlier this year, there were some high-profile twitterstorms, in which particular left-identifying figures were ‘called out’ and condemned. What these figures had said was sometimes objectionable; but nevertheless, the way in which they were personally vilified and hounded left a horrible residue: the stench of bad conscience and witch-hunting moralism”         This […]

2019: A Short Guide To White People & Their Photography Books

It was the best of years….   Once again it is that time of year where I try to drum up some sort of edit from all of the incredible work the photography book world offers up. This year is difficult as I felt it has been one of the strongest years in recent memory […]

Felicia Honkasalo: Objects and Ontologies

“What is held onto through a photograph, is no longer the disappearing object itself but something that appears or becomes visible in the moment of its vanishing: as it were, the last glance that it casts at us, or the last glimpse of it that we can catch.”

Sean Vegezzi: Curiosity, Retail Spaces & Terror

“Since I was a child, I’ve had a fantasy of hiding in a retail space just before it closes, and coming out at night to merely walk around, re-arrange some things, and maybe sit or lay on some furniture, nothing harmful whatsoever. Snow Cab felt like a fulfilment of that childhood fantasy, within a 6 floor, or 60,000 square foot retail space.”