Larry Clark – Return

This is a fascinating and unexpected title. I suspect that some people might consider it a repeat of images that circulate through Larry Clark’s opus Tulsa, and that is not a wrong way to feel about it, but what is important is how we see the periphery of images from that incredible body of work […]

Vince Aletti – The Drawer

I recently picked up a copy of Vince Aletti’s The Drawer from Self Publish Be Happy/MACK, a title released last year that won the 2023 Aperture Photobook award. At the time, I knew about the book. Still, I had not picked it up as I was unsure of what I could add to it, being […]

Matthew Genitempo – Dogbreath

  Matthew Genitempo is producing serious photobooks. Of the three books that I am fortunate to have on my shelves, his latest Dogbreath is one of his finest, but it is hard to create a hierarchy between it, Mother of Dogs, and Jasper. All three titles are excellent offerings, and it would benefit photobook makers […]

Erik Gustafsson This is Farewell

The term family is a loaded concept. It suggests something intimate and forged of a bond that is hard to break though it can be called into question. It never feels like a neutral term. From its earliest days, photography has made use of subjects closest to the operator. Photographing children, partners and  parents is […]

Walter Keller: Beruf: Verleger. A Tribute

“So, when we consider respect in the medium, we can limit our discussion by looking at who is contributing to our world and who is not. Publishers by and large are the unsung heroes of the day”.     A friend of mine recently commented on the lack of risk-taking in publishing. I took some […]

Larry Clark – “I Wanted to Be a Writer but I Had a Camera in My Hand” (2017)

We sit down with the loose cannon of independent American cinema, Larry Clark. The filmmaker and photographer was in Paris for an exceptional sale of his candid, spontaneous shots at the Rue André gallery. Prints that are reminiscent of his 1971 photography book “Tulsa” which has since become a collector’s item. Clark has troubled mainstream […]

Yoshi Kametani’s Played: Margins of Timing

“We have inherited a way of understanding events and time through images or are allowed to fashion our own prognosis of the interpretation of linear elements by looking inward and at the spaces between images…”