Martin Essl – Le Bateau Ivre

  With the recent emphasis on street photography found in volumes such as Matt Stuart’s Think Like a Street Photographer (Laurence King Publishing, 2021) and Reclaim the Street: Street Photography’s Moment, Matt Stuart with Stephen McLaren (Thames & Hudson, 2023), there seems to be a renewed awakening to the genre. If the countless YouTube videos about […]

Bas Losekoot Out of Place

Bas Losekoot’s Out of Place is a study of people meandering through urban environments. The locations that Losekoot photographed in the book are cited as Hong Kong, Sao Paolo, Lagos, Mexico City, New York and more. At first glance, the work reminds me of a number of urban image projects of a similar fashion by […]

Jörg Colberg Vaterland As Then, Now

“It has learned that outward and visceral signs of its existence only lead to its questioning of intent early on; its oft-espoused will thus deposed to the memory of collective trauma…”   Ideology is not always easy to see. We read it through the symbolic order of insignia and perhaps we are able to cull […]