An Interview with Joachim Brohm (2013)

Taxi, from Ohio © Joachim Brohm, courtesy Brancolini Grimaldi   “That was the mid- to late 70s and photography was not an art at that time – it was photography. It was advertising photography, and it was journalism.”   By Fanny Landstrom, ASX London, March 2013 So, this is your first UK solo exhibition? Yes it is. […]

Joachim Brohm (1993)

Car on Fire, Ohio, 1983-1984 By Justin Hoffman & Charles V. Miller, Artforum, January 1, 1993 Joachim Brohm’s work demonstrates that there are other kinds of “straight” photography in Germany besides the “Becher School.” The effect of Brohm’s work is comparable to that of the Bechers: he equates reproduction and the autonomous image, realism and […]