Jeffrey Silverthorne: The Suture That Binds Us
“The images are works of art. They exist in art historical categories and they evade an inherent use of death as either a procedural epistemology or body shock tactic”
“The images are works of art. They exist in art historical categories and they evade an inherent use of death as either a procedural epistemology or body shock tactic”
” The overlapping of basic subjects, the presentation of identities and where life/energy goes, is embedded in these content matters which superficially seem to be diverse but are really very intimately related. Life is a multi-faceted coin that we each need to turn in many ways”. Brad Feuerhelm, ASX, September 2015 BF: I have been […]
”A book and a space are two different media, or in other words: display cases. Thinking about the gallery program for us means thinking about showing substantial art in a space in order to meet the constant challenge of making good exhibitions”. An Interview with Kehrer Gallery @ Unseen By Brad Feuerhelm BF: Kehrer Gallery […]