Interview with Keisha Scarville

Keisha Scarville and I spoke via email to discuss her new book lick of tongue, rub of finger, on soft wound (MACK, 2023), which was shortlisted for the Aperture/Paris Photo First PhotoBook Award.  The book is constructed with images from several bodies of work over the past 20 years, each of which in its own way investigates […]

Mayumi Hosokura’s New Skin

  “This ‘gendering’ includes everything from one’s awareness of their own individual body, to global political and social issues (the feminine pose, the masculine blue colour, the ‘masculinity’ of war)”     Mayumi Hosokura’s New Skin begins with a single quote on its inside cover. It is a quote by Donna Haraway, from her 1988 […]

Americans Parade – an interview with George Georgiou

“Every image poses the question of American identity not just from the standpoint of our present reality, but from the playbook of iconic images – most of them from the twentieth century – that make up the history of American photography.”

Aaron Schuman: Remote Hereditary Object-hood in FOLK

“It is often confusing being an American. We are a country deeply concerned with our personal histories, yet there is something peculiar about all of this in so much as that it seems to deflect from what we actually are: American”