Gregory Halpern – King, Queen, Knave | Perspective 2

Gregory Halpern’s photobook King, Queen, Knave has been nineteen years in the making. The first images for the photobook were shot while Halpern was a student in the MFA program at California College of the Arts, where he studied under his mentor, the photographer Larry Sultan. At the time, Halpern felt lost and adrift, unsure […]

Interview with Dan Skjæveland on 33 Suspensions

Dan Skjæveland is a Norwegian artist living in Trondheim. He recently published his first monograph with Nearest Truth Editions. I spoke to Dan about his way into photography, his process and the making of his book 33 Suspensions. — ASX: Let’s talk about your beginnings. How did you come to photography? Dan Skjæveland: I came to photography […]

Paolo Gasparini Field of Images

  Paolo Gasparini’s lengthy career and intense scrutiny of the Latin American social and political landscape from the point of view of an outsider looking in has produced, by proxy of his many photobooks and serial investigations of place, an incredibly rich document of Latin America caught in-between disjointed moments of upheaval and the hope […]

Katherine Longly’s Hernie & Plume

“Life is not composed. It is messy”   Photography often relies on spectacle as the object of its pursuit. The photographer seeks to illuminate that which they believe will have a significance to the social and political order of the moment or that which can only be illuminated by the ability of the photographer to […]

Ron Jude 12Hz: A Conversation Between Ron Jude and Carl Fuldner

” For 12 Hz I intentionally avoided references to place, not wanting to tether the individual images to mappable ‘locations,’ for the reasons stated above”     Carl Fuldner: There’s a curious sense of time and place reflected in these works that seems to operate beyond a human framework. It brings to mind ‘deep time,’ […]

Thomas Weski: Interview With Cooper Blade

“I think Michael felt the need to discuss the meaning and importance of American photography with a younger generation in Germany who had no experience with these kinds of elderly figures. The National Socialists had either killed or persecuted them in Germany, so for my generation there was no elderly generation in photography.”

Robert Frank Interviewed at Wellesley College (1977)

“It was logical for me to get off doing still photography after becoming a success at it. I think it would just become a repeat—I would repeat myself.”   An interview with Robert Frank, from one of ten symposiums at Wellesley College 1977 called “Photography within the Humanities”. Robert Frank: I’m just trying to, as they say, […]

A Message from Cartier-Bresson

  He brought out hundreds of his photographs, some in copies, others in books and still others in originals. He placed the pictures on the table, one at a time, and ordered me to make an instant decision whether I would take it or not. A Message from Cartier-Bresson By Yoshitomo Kajikawa It was autumn, […]

An Interview with Henri Cartier-Bresson – Famous Photographers Tell How (1958)

“For me, content cannot be separated from form. By form, I mean a rigorous geometrical organization of interplay of surfaces, lines and values.”   Interview with Henri Cartier-Bresson – Famous Photographers Tell How (1958) HCB: To me, photography is a simultaneous recognition in a fraction of a second of a significance of an event as […]

Everything is Sacred – An Interview with Bruce Davidson (2006)

“For me, everything is sacred, whether I’m photographing a human being or a statue or the good earth. It’s sacred, I absorb it. I want to absorb it.”   Interview with Bruce Davidson, The Kojo Nnamdi Show (WAMU/Chicago), November, 2006 Q: You’re on the streets of Chicago, wandering into Pentecostal churches, how did that initial […]