Christopher Anderson Son

Every photographer parent that I know has what to the non-parenting world seems like a self-indulgent family album project. Every. one. of. them. Myself. included. Some have several. Making photographs of the family is part of the experience of getting through life. We use the camera to illustrate the mundane, the banal, and the exciting […]

Helmut Newton: Evi in Beverly Hills

      Evi, Beverly Hills, 1996 “I like the idea of trespassing. I got to write that down too. It’s quite true that what I am aiming at, even when I take portraits, is to get a scandalous picture. I would love to be a paparazzo.” – Helmut Newton EXPLORE ALL HELMUT NEWTON ON […]

ASX.TV: Helmut Newton – “Frames from the Edge” (1988)

A camera crew follows Helmut Newton, the fashion and ad photographer whose images of tall, blond, big-breasted women are part of the iconography of twentieth-century erotic fantasy. He’s on the go from L.A., to Paris, to Monte-Carlo, to Berlin, where he was a youth until he escaped from the Nazis in 1936. We see him […]

Helmet Newton’s Australian Years (2005)

Helmut Newton, photographer. Electricians’ faces. Shell Collection. vol. 1, no. 28. La Trobe Picture Collection. By Guy Featherstone, originally appeared in La Trobe Journal, Spring 2005 On Thursday 10 October 1940 a twenty–year–old German Jew, Helmut Neustaedter, was formally received at the Tatura internment camp in north-eastern Victoria. He was held at number 3 Camp, […]

Helmut Newton’s “White Women / Sleepless Nights / Big Nudes” (2013)

  The pigeonhole never suited Newton: His revolutionary ability to merge what we have come to define as photographic genres is in full swing in both White Women and Sleepless Nights where ‘Hitchcockian’ cinematic moods and the photojournalistic street aesthetic are merged into the fashion image seamlessly creating a multi layered discourse. HELMUT NEWTON – […]

HELMUT NEWTON: “Skewing Lines: On Pervs, Pearls and Sex Dolls”

Fat hand and dollars, Monte Carlo, 1986   Perfection, perfect women, and perfect sex (as if such a thing exists) may be Newton’s medium, his outer preoccupation, his aesthetic obsession, but they are not the subject of his work.   Skewing Lines: On Pervs, Pearls and Sex Dolls By Lily Azrielant, Mercer Street The warm […]

Helmut Newton: Skewing Lines – On Pervs, Pearls and Sex Dolls

 “There are two dirty words in photography, one is art and the other is good taste.”  – Helmut Newton   Skewing Lines: On Pervs, Pearls and Sex Dolls By Lily Azrielant The warm afternoon light strokes the ends of her dimly lit legs. They are thin, small, soft, and fitted with a pair of violent […]

Frank Horvat with Helmut Newton (1986)

“This is why I continue accepting commissions, even though economically I don’t have to. Because making money gives me a kick, but also because 1 think it’s important for me to have the discipline, to work for somebody within a given frame. At least from time to time.” – Helmut Newton Frank Horvat with Helmut […]