Festival Images Vevey Roundup 2020

“Lake Geneva is situated along the borders of France and Swtizerland and is surrounded by dauntingly beautiful Chablis Alps, which features Le Grammont,-the region’s highest summit”   I had the pleasure of visiting the Swiss Biennale Festival Images Vevey last week. The festival, which occurs every two years in the small, but lush town of […]

Masuda Yoshinori: Tiger 2

“Masuda repudiates the spectacle, revealing another side to the existence these creatures face using the simplest aspects of repetition and chance.”

Hayahisa Tomiyasu: TTP, An Immoveable Feat

“In a dialogue where it is often difficult not to mention “medium specificity”, it would be fair in jest to contemplate why photography’s utility is toward change and simultaneously toward stasis. Stasis is where comfortablility lies, but this position also breeds contempt.”