Uta Genilke – Replikant

I did not want to use Bladerunner as an analogy for this photobook simply because the title implies an association. I find nothing immediate in the book that relates the film to Uta’s miasmatic and crepuscular photographs. However, I could marginally make that leap if I wanted to chalk the images up to having a […]

Henry Schulz – People Things

  The photographs in this series were taken between 2020-2022 in Germany. Taken in seemingly forgotten spaces that bear the traces of past human intervention. The places are in a state of transformation, which is slowly taking place. Sometimes, it is a seeming recapture of nature or a blurred state of abandonment. In photographically precisely […]

Andreas Gehrke – Flughafen Berlin-Tegel

Full Article on Patreon   Andreas Gehrke is someone who I have covered previously for his exceptional photobooks. I have nearly every title he has produced, and standouts include Berlin a Brandenburg, among many others. His output is incredible, and he also self-publishes these titles under his imprint Drittel Books. What I find universal in […]

Laurenz Berges – Das Becherhaus in Mudersbach

  Full Article on Patreon     …Further images within images add to the sense of a lived space as Becher family photos from the 20s and 30s adorn mantels and countertops, with a finesse of an image, ala the Bechers, of a water town, sat, out of frame, lithely resting against a presumed wedding […]

Helga Paris: Leipzig Hauptbanhof 1981/82

“I exhibit a strange tendency in airports to curse, eyeball other people with malice and regard the general process of shuttling and hefting my mass through antiseptic tunnels and bizarre space age flat Jetson walklavators with contempt…”   A commonality between train stations and photography is the architecture of waiting. Waiting can be read in […]

Land’s End: Trauma is a Strange Attractor

“We are on occasion reminded on occasion of a great plague pit, its underground presence rewarded with a blue plaque to signify its existence as both a terrible debacle in our local history and yet it tellingly reminds us of the foreboding possibility for futures yet unspoken”   Trauma is a strange attractor. Just as […]