Martin Essl – Le Bateau Ivre

  With the recent emphasis on street photography found in volumes such as Matt Stuart’s Think Like a Street Photographer (Laurence King Publishing, 2021) and Reclaim the Street: Street Photography’s Moment, Matt Stuart with Stephen McLaren (Thames & Hudson, 2023), there seems to be a renewed awakening to the genre. If the countless YouTube videos about […]

Mark Steinmetz – France 1987

I’m still determining who needs to hear this, but Mark Steinmetz remains one of the most profound voices in the rising tide of what I suggest is a revisiting of humanism in photography. Given the clamor and tumult of the past years, it is not a surprise that work like Mark’s, which, at its base, […]

Interview with Dan Skjæveland on 33 Suspensions

Dan Skjæveland is a Norwegian artist living in Trondheim. He recently published his first monograph with Nearest Truth Editions. I spoke to Dan about his way into photography, his process and the making of his book 33 Suspensions. — ASX: Let’s talk about your beginnings. How did you come to photography? Dan Skjæveland: I came to photography […]

Luis Baylón Madrid en plata

    Luis Baylón or simply Baylón is a Madrid-based photographer who works on the streets of Spain’s capital, sculpting images from the thousands of possibilities in front of his lens on his daily walks through the city. The images, in their minimal and contrasty monochrome palette, feature a number of different possibilities from which […]

David Billet & Ian Kline’s Rabbit/Hare Texas Reason

“The picture stays in the kid. Tell heaven don’t wait for me”   What is an image produced if not the perversion of self either in or out of frame? Authorship is dictatorship, no? What to do with a pare?   Game Over, and if this isn’t an obvious affront to the Texas that I […]

Anthony Hernandez Interview: Forever

“I went down there and saw all these little paintings of landscapes, houses, little beautiful scenes. The light on that picture is from reflections of cars going underneath the freeway. The whole roll was faint, faint, faint. And then there was the clown. There are so many places like this, it goes on forever.” On […]

Los Angeles Plays Itself: Anthony Hernandez at SFMOMA

“No, Anthony Hernandez’ sober look at his hometown reminds us that Los Angeles is not the most photographed city in the world, but rather, one of the most culturally, economically and racially divided places in America.” It often said that Los Angeles is the most photographed city on earth. It’s not true. It is also […]

The Animals and Their Keepers: Garry Winogrand and Photography After September 11th

 from The Animals @ the Estate of Garry Winogrand   Winogrand disdained those who treated photographs not as photographs but as an extension of painting.   The Animals and Their Keepers: Garry Winogrand and Photography After Septempber 11 By Hilton Als “The Animals,” a book I was moved to reexamine after the events of Sept. […]