Antoine d’Agata: Your Dishonesty is the Codex for My Vitriol
“Mexicali, the capital of Baja California state, is not unique among border cities. All along the United States-Mexico border, women and girls are going missing.”
“Mexicali, the capital of Baja California state, is not unique among border cities. All along the United States-Mexico border, women and girls are going missing.”
“On one hand, the experience exists totally outside of language. I am not surprised that we struggle to describe it, and relegate it to some other, private realm.”
Reasons You’re Tired All the Time, 2013 “I feel like this question is saying ‘can you still be a feminist when your camera is aiming at your ass?” If so, my answer is yes.” BF: Within the theatricality of your images, you seem to be hinting at a considered perception of the feminine […]
Barbara Kruger Untitled (Your body is a battleground) 1989 Courtesy Mary Boone Gallery New York “I hate to get to you on these words, but I wouldn’t call it an agenda-but I would say that I am interested in sort of, in not just displacing and questioning stereotypes.” Barbara Kruger Interview, excerpt from […]
@ Mike Kelley “Like I said I was kind of coming out of hippie culture, or freak culture.” Mike Kelley Interviewed by Lynn Hershman Santa Monica, California, July 27, 2006 Lynn Hershman: So, this is the Howard Fox statement, this is what he said when we interviewed him, he said that you said publicly […]
The pubes, natural, died white or starchy, mascara-black, are run through by fingers, caressed, teased out and tugged on. By Owen Campbell, ASX, January 2015 To talk about Plush in the typical language of criticism, to say it is warm, close or intimate is understatement tantamount to mistruth. Marilyn Minter’s book is […]
To interpret Woodman’s work entirely through her death is reductive and backwards-facing. It’s the stated goal of this monograph to set aside the dominant interpretation of Woodman’s work, which sees her photography as an anticipation of her suicide. Focus on the Feminine Self and Set Aside the Suicide of Francesca Woodman By Owen Campbell, ASX, […]
Self-Portrait & Rain, 1982 “But I know for me -– when I’m photographing people -– male or female -– nude or clothed -– the thing that I’m most interested in when I pick somebody to photograph is the -– I don’t know, the energy that they have.” Interview with Judy Dater Conducted […]
The work of late American photographer Francesca Woodman, produced from the mid- to late-1970s, displays a unique artistic displacement and transformation of ‘feminine’ identity.