Wouter Van de Voorde – Nucleo

Nucleo is the newest in a series of remarkable books by Belgian artist Wouter Van de Voorde. Living in Canberra, Australia, for a sizable number of years (the Belgian/Aussie accent is a thing to behold), Wouter has been consistently and obsessively photographing his local landscape, family, and whatever bramble or dilapidated structures he can find. […]

Mathieu Chaze Rock, Paper, Scissors

  Does one need a photobook about someone else’s family? What universal aspects of image-making allow the work to transcend from a family album to a book that illustrates the broader condition of human understanding, behavior, and endeavor? There are notable examples throughout the history of photography where images of an artist’s family are remembered […]

Rebecca Norris Webb Night Calls

In memory of a young woman that I never knew. This reflection is dedicated to Carol Jenkins-Davis     I find myself combatively trying to embed myself in the images, memories and families of others. My initial hesitancy in this pursuit comes from acknowledging the failure of such an enterprise. It comes from a point […]

Seiichi Furuya & Christine Gössler Face To Face

  “We may consider these types of photographs as a glimpse, a grimace or a greeting between subject and viewer, nothing more”   It is hard to condense seven years of intimacy into the frames of 35mm negatives. You cannot easily graph the moments that pass between two orbiting worlds, the moments of affection, disagreements […]

Katherine Longly’s Hernie & Plume

“Life is not composed. It is messy”   Photography often relies on spectacle as the object of its pursuit. The photographer seeks to illuminate that which they believe will have a significance to the social and political order of the moment or that which can only be illuminated by the ability of the photographer to […]

Erik van der Weijde Lithium

  “We do not scream out in apathy. We look and we observe the condition that circulates our everyday. Stoicism is a front. It covers the mechanics of our suffering”     I would assert that some of the strongest works produced in photography are those in which something grave is laid bare and vulnerable […]

Jesse Lenz: The Locusts Family, Familiarity and Focus

  “The historical road of photography is paved with books and bodies of work about family. It is a natural resource for making work”     The historical road of photography is paved with books and bodies of work about family. It is a natural resource for making work. Emmet Gowin, Sally Mann, Judith Black […]

Guillaume Simoneau: Murder as Legacy

“Guillaume Simoneau is a not a cannibal, but his book Murder (MACK), is an ode to Fukase’s legendary status and particularly his book Karasu/Ravens. Murder is a devotional hymn, or a phantom limb added to the mythology of the Japanese artist”     Inherent or Mythological Propagandas   One of photography’s less considered functions is […]

Federico Clavarino Interview: Hereafter, Escaping Nihilism

  Editor’s Note, This interview was conducted over the period of months. Federico and I would ping pong ideas back and forth. Being a busy artist, Clavarino had already moved into several different territories from my principal point of trying to tackle Hereafter, his great opus about power, family, archive and how history is activated […]