Bharat Sikka – The Sapper

“What did we talk about, my dad and I? The different kinds of plyboard and woodworking joints, the correct way to change the bit of a drill and to hold and level and aim the gun of the welder, how to tell when a tyre has gone bald […]” – Sara Baume, Handiwork, 2020 I […]

Erik Gustafsson This is Farewell

The term family is a loaded concept. It suggests something intimate and forged of a bond that is hard to break though it can be called into question. It never feels like a neutral term. From its earliest days, photography has made use of subjects closest to the operator. Photographing children, partners and  parents is […]

Adrian Samson’s Mother

  “During these moments of quiet solitude in the bitter January cold, a transformation of emphasis on how I began to re-order the world was beginning, but I did not completely understand its momentum”   Childbearing presents a compulsion to re-order the world. You begin to notice things differently. This is due in course to […]