Aleksei Kazantsev – Relaxing Chamber

Full Article With Many More Images on Patreon   All in all, this book is significant. It bears all the marks of an undervalued classic. It is a book that escapes the doldrums of photography and its representations to speak about something ecological and outside of the medium while also employing a handicraft that is […]

Dinaya Waeyaert Come Closer

  Images of intimacy, are often suggested, as a foregone conclusion, as images of love, closeness, and empathy. Intimacy is a term that is laced with positive and nurturing qualities and suggests a decoupling of the reality that forms its basis-namely the trials, as well as tribulations that are part of what makes a shared […]

Li-Mi-Yan’s Nausea

“These dreams were a product of the IV missing the vein repeatedly and causing a beautiful shade of crimson, blues, fading to yellow just under the parchment-like encasement”. There would always be consequences to these observations. The longer days when their skin dried out and flaked off to the pavement before being carried away by […]