An Interview with Antonio Xoubanova (2013)

Interview with Antonio Xoubanova By Cristina Izquierdo, for ASX, August 2013 Antonio Xoubanova (Madrid, 1977) is a Spanish photographer author of Casa de Campo, a book published by Mack in 2012. “Someone was here, somebody did this. Stuff happens here”, Luis Lopez Navarro. Casa de Campo is a photographic fairy tale full of symbols based […]

Alberto García-Alix – “Self-portrait” (2013)

Un instant de silenci etern, 2010 Self-portrait, a unique exhibition dedicated entirely to García-Alix By Cristina Izquierdo Sastre, ASX Barcelona, March 2013 “A way of seeing is a way of being”, says  in the video From Where There is no return. And this is exactly what this exhibition is about. Through his camera, García-Alix (León, […]