Bill Henson – Liquid Night

It is challenging not to mention Martin Scorsese’s 1976 film Taxi Driver, concerning Bill Henson’s recent book Liquid Night, published by Stanley/Barker. I am unsure why some writers have avoided it, but here we are. Liquid Night is a sumptuous and gem-like nighttime foray into Times Square (1989) and the adjacent cinema district, beginning at […]

Five Photobooks from 2023

For the complete list, please consult the Nearest Podcast in the following weeks, where I will MC over a much longer list of the great books published this year. For this list, I wanted to keep the books down to five that I feel will define the artist’s career or are crucial to the medium. […]

Mathieu Chaze Rock, Paper, Scissors

  Does one need a photobook about someone else’s family? What universal aspects of image-making allow the work to transcend from a family album to a book that illustrates the broader condition of human understanding, behavior, and endeavor? There are notable examples throughout the history of photography where images of an artist’s family are remembered […]

Christopher Anderson Son

Every photographer parent that I know has what to the non-parenting world seems like a self-indulgent family album project. Every. one. of. them. Myself. included. Some have several. Making photographs of the family is part of the experience of getting through life. We use the camera to illustrate the mundane, the banal, and the exciting […]

2019: A Short Guide To White People & Their Photography Books

It was the best of years….   Once again it is that time of year where I try to drum up some sort of edit from all of the incredible work the photography book world offers up. This year is difficult as I felt it has been one of the strongest years in recent memory […]

Christopher Anderson: COP Interview

    “The subversive gesture to record and document, even if in cinematic discourse, the political and social status that a police officer represents in post-911 New York cannot be taken for granted”. Christopher Anderson’s work in essential terms is cinematic and tightly compressed. His images, when collated in book form become a mellifluous assortment […]

Christopher Anderson: Manic Compression, High Definition Society

“Cameras are now so advanced that the way we look at our image is now under the threat of becoming unrecognizable with its intense dedication to the state of high definition-pores counted, we recognize a hyper version of our once-future self absconded just far enough to promote simulation and techno-progress, but still close enough to give us doubt about our reflection.”

Why Show It? A Conversation with Christopher Anderson (2012)

From ‘Son’ by Christopher Anderson   “I’ve spent the last fifteen years with the title of ‘War photographer’, going to the other ends of the earth, to photographs stories of other people, looking for photographic intimacy from people that I didn’t know.”   Why show it ? Interview with Christopher Anderson By Baptiste Lignel, December […]