Cai Dongdong – Passing By Beijing

I am previously familiar with Berlin-based Chinese artist Cai Dongdong through his interest in re-purposing vernacular photography. A Game of Photos and Left Right, his previous two books present a playful atmosphere of interrogating the past, playing with the physical artifacts of the photographic medium. In some ways, with A Game of Photos, one is […]

Lin Zhipeng No. 223 Grand Amour

I missed this book first time around. The first edition sold out fairly quickly and has been republished in an affordable second edition by the original publisher Witty Kiwi. I will be honest in admitting that I am following contemporary photography from China at a distance. My knowledge of it is relative to Ren Hang, […]

Blood and Iron in the Temple of Menses

“I’ve surely made mistakes in the community, but certainly not in sexuality.” – Otto Muehl   By Brad Feuerhelm, ASX, January 2015 The Vienna Actionists of 1960’s were interested in the documentation of transgression of the body in art and in society at large. They performed quasi-mystic rituals that were documented in blood and film. […]

They Have Magic: A Conversation with Zhang Xiao (2013)

“Because we are of the same era. I am also one of them. I can see my own reflection in them. They are always there in my life.”   This is a transcript of a recorded conversation between Sydney-based curator Pedro de Almeida and Chinese artist Zhang Xiao that took place in central Chengdu, Sichuan […]