Michael Kerstgens 1986

  There are global moments in history that feel like tipping points of major changes when you view them retrospectively. In the case of Michael Kerstgens exceptional new book 1986 (Hartmann Books, 2021), the writing on the wall could not be more clear looking back at the year. I remember 1986. I am old enough […]

Giles Price Restricted Residence Thermal Observations

  “To call Price’s book clever would be a disservice to himself and those involved. It is brave and brilliant in its assessment of the topic and should be valued for what it is not-a rush to exploit the sensitive undergirding of tragedy as featured in the work(s) of D’Agata and others”   I am […]

What a 1980’s Tension Memory Looks Like

@ Brad Feuerhelm   “That is just the impatient me waiting for my own teeth to fall out as I doubt I will ever find the bouffant that defines me”.   I stood sifting through the remnants of somebody else’s life, the precipice correlated somewhere between the footnote of commerce and an inability to understand […]

Chernobyl by Drone

  Postcards from Pripyat, Chernobyl   Chernobyl is one of the most interesting and dangerous places I’ve been. The nuclear disaster, which happened in 1986 (the year after I was born), had an effect on so many people, including my family when we lived in Italy. The nuclear dust clouds swept westward towards us. The […]