What Remains of the Smile? Arko Datto’s Pik-Nik

“There is a carnivalesque feeling through the book, its protagonists purposefully eating, dancing and drinking as if there was no tomorrow. In several instances, we observe the awkward body language resulting from inebriation -including total body collapse- and end-of-party brawling.”

2224 Kolkata: Plums Deep In Corpse Fat

“I mean corpse fat and soap, I remember the nazis doing something like that…is that why the women wash their clothes in it while the naked children, with their distended bellies, watch?”

Tiane Doan Na Champassak: Marauder of the Flaming Babylon, Calcutta Death Trip

We exist in this sinkhole of economic disparity, careening along needles and rocks, the disease creeping through the cracks on the soles of our feet.   By Brad Feuerhelm, ASX, April 2015 The perfect memory was watching your family crumpled up and burning on a ghat, the vultures swarming to the feast of your children. […]