Gregory Halpern – King, Queen, Knave | Perspective 2

Gregory Halpern’s photobook King, Queen, Knave has been nineteen years in the making. The first images for the photobook were shot while Halpern was a student in the MFA program at California College of the Arts, where he studied under his mentor, the photographer Larry Sultan. At the time, Halpern felt lost and adrift, unsure […]

Thomas Manneke – Zillion

    Constellations, compositions, and a caring look at one’s family life make up the mass of Thomas Manneke’s melancholic and melodic ode to often-overlooked photographer Francis Bruguière. Bruguière, an American artist who studied painting at the turn of the Twentieth Century, is known mainly for his photographic abstractions. In line with artists like Alvin […]

Jörg Colberg Vaterland As Then, Now

“It has learned that outward and visceral signs of its existence only lead to its questioning of intent early on; its oft-espoused will thus deposed to the memory of collective trauma…”   Ideology is not always easy to see. We read it through the symbolic order of insignia and perhaps we are able to cull […]

Peter Piller: Unheimlich As Above…

“A good number of the images allegedly had annotations written on the images such as “not interested in pictures”, “Deceased”, and “Looks better from the ground” written on them”

“The Shaping of New Visions: Photography, Film, Photobook” at MoMA (2013)

  Berenice Abbott. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman. Negative c. 1930/Distortion c. 1950 The Shaping of New Visions: Photography, Film, Photobook at MoMA through April 21, 2013 By Lew Schwartz, ASX NYC, February 2013 There are a few ways to view “New Visions,” and, unfortunately the heady text that introduces the show on the […]

August Sander: “A Profile of the People” (2002)

By Hans-Michael Koetzle In 1910, August Sander began a systematic attempt to portray and typologize his fellow countrymen. The project, undertaken wholly at his own initiative and expense, found support only among his painter friends in the Rhineland area of Germany. His book Antlitz der Zeit was outlawed and partially destroyed by the Nazis in […]

The Social Mosaic Attempted: The Photographs of August Sander (2004)

 Social class stands before us in all its detail and specificity.   By Clare Hurley, December, 2004 “People of the Twentieth Century”: August Sander’s Photographic Portrait of Germany, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, May 25—September 19, 2004 A selection of 150 photographs from August Sander’s People of the Twentieth Century [Menschen des 20. Jahrhunderts] […]