Martin Essl – Le Bateau Ivre

  With the recent emphasis on street photography found in volumes such as Matt Stuart’s Think Like a Street Photographer (Laurence King Publishing, 2021) and Reclaim the Street: Street Photography’s Moment, Matt Stuart with Stephen McLaren (Thames & Hudson, 2023), there seems to be a renewed awakening to the genre. If the countless YouTube videos about […]

Smoke – Umihara Chikara

  I am confident that most of us are stringing life together one moment at a time without a significant game plan or goal to outline our actions’ progression. Nothing is holding the seams of it all together, and for that, I am partially thankful and partially disappointed. Life is a never-ending chain of circumstances […]

Five or Sex Questions for BP Laval

“I personally cannot even “see” porn anymore. Perhaps I am desensitized, but I fail to adhere to the moralistic innuendo that is applied to a word like pornography.”

20 Years of Planetary Alignment in Ed Templeton’s ‘Wayward Cognitions’

@ Ed Templeton These are the moments when the planets are aligned, when the eyes of the passer-by meet the camera and when metaphor slides into reality.   By Owen Campbell, ASX, February 2015 There’s a signature expression in an Ed Templeton photograph; it’s not something that he gravitates to, rather, it’s something that occurs […]

ED TEMPLETON: “Deformer” (2008)

By Doug Rickard The “Epic Experiment to Break Ed’s Spirit” would begin when little Ed Templeton was just a wee young lad. A cast of characters were put into motion that would attempt to affect and influence Ed, to “deform” him and to warp and bend his pure and unblemished shape. The roles that they […]