Curran Hatleberg – Lost Coast & River’s Dream

There is a strange and perplexing photograph in Curran Hatleberg’s photobook, River’s Dream (TBW, 2022), which shows a man with a large swarm of bees attached to his face and body. The image is bewildering. The man is sitting down in a chair, with no protective gear, and his eyes are closed. His hands are […]

Interview with Keisha Scarville

Keisha Scarville and I spoke via email to discuss her new book lick of tongue, rub of finger, on soft wound (MACK, 2023), which was shortlisted for the Aperture/Paris Photo First PhotoBook Award.  The book is constructed with images from several bodies of work over the past 20 years, each of which in its own way investigates […]

Carla Williams – Tender

Carla Williams can make the world beyond us seem a simple place. Looking at the self-portraits she made over a fifteen year period, from 1984-1999, may briefly lull us into a false apprehension of the world as containing little interest of its own. Such is the poetic depth of these pictures, which, when edited and […]

Bertien van Manen – Gluckauf

Coal mining is a very peculiar enterprise. The 19th and 20th Centuries committed untold heaves of labor to its extraction. It fuels communities, yet its extraction suggests a disemboweling of the land where these communities settle. The prospect of coal mining is one of capital and capitalism. The very human clay that mines these enterprises […]

Esaias Baitel – Zonen 1982

Full Article on Patreon   This is an incredibly complicated book. It is one that I have been chasing for a year or so since I first became aware of it. It has a cult-like status for many reasons, least of all are the photographs, which are also incredible. The story of Baitel amid a […]

Kim Thue Lode

Kim Thue from Lode Image is contained in the press pack. Full Article on Patreon   I also believe artists should be open to dialog. Not every conversation is an inquisition, and if your intentions are not poor, we all gain in you underscoring your thoughts instead of hiding from them or our questions. Many […]

Diane Arbus Untitled 2022 Reaction

  Diane Arbus, from Untitled   This is a 20k-word reaction to Diane Arbus’s posthumously published work Untitled by Aperture. The post comes from a long reaction post on Brad Feuerhelm’s Instagram, where various members of the photographic community replied with their thoughts about the book and its ethical boundaries. The resulting post is a […]

Paul Graham: Troubled Land

We fail our images and images fail our desires. In trying to deliberate over which side of failure images are consigned to, the human side versus the side of the function of the image itself, it is hard to not implicate oneself in misunderstanding the function of a photographic image. We have come to expect […]

Mohamed Bourouissa Périphérique

  Where the interior of anything of consequence meets its exterior lies a point of tension that is best understood by an examination of limits. In terms of social experience and urban dwelling, this is no different. Designs in 20th and 21st-century forms of living have made the urban experience a questionable experiment much to […]

Lee Friedlander Fundación MAPFRE

There isn’t much more that can be said regarding the importance of Friedlander’s work on the psyche of subsequent generations of photographic enthusiasts and artists alike. From his self-portraits to his Little Screens, Friedlander’s work is simultaneously charged with an inner and external pathos that presents both as a partial reflection of the artist’s psyche […]

Laura Bielau Arbeit 2016-2019

  Laura Bielau’s Arbeit 2016-2019 (Spector Books, 2021) is a stripped-back and minimal series of investigations that regards the environmental working effects and detritus of art labor in 2021. Though the aims are not overtly class-oriented or political, they function as a personal case study between the artist and the alien consumer objects that become […]

Thiago Dezan When I Hear That Trumpet Sound

  I was confronted with three parts of a mental soundtrack while paging through Thiago Dezan’s new book When I Hear The That Trumpet Sound (Selo Turvo, 2021, ed. 200). The first track based on title and the book’s black endpapers and the ominous black cover was Behemoth’s Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel, a rich and […]