Interview with Moises Saman

Moises Saman is one of the most substantive and accomplished conflict photographers working today. A member of Magnum since 2014, he is best known for photographs he has been making for more than two decades working throughout the Middle East, during which time he covered the Iraq War and the Arab Spring. Many of the […]

Melissa Shook – Self-Portraits 1972-1973

Letting my unconscious, rather than my intellect, dictate the progression was important. For reasons I don’t entirely understand, being nude became part of the project early on. And working against that white wall near the two front windows in the so-called living room became a central point. —Melissa Shook I might’ve mistakenly read Sally Stein’s […]

Lee Friedlander – Workers: The Human Clay

Workers: The Human Clay (Steidl, 2023) is the most comprehensive volume to focus on Lee Friedlander’s near seventy year fascination with work and those who do it. Edited by Joshua Chuang and bringing together 253 images stretching as far back as 1958, this book functions well as an overview of a subject that has persisted […]

Igor Posner – Cargó

The first time I looked through Igor Posner’s Cargó (Red Hook Editions, 2022) I was bewildered. I did not know, for example, that across 160 pages and what feels like triple that number of images, it would express the disjointedness and poignancy of memory, or that it would render the experience of time passing as […]

Gui Marcondes – I Know I Exist Because You Imagine Me (Maquette Mix)

From Gui Marcondes I Know I Exist Because You Imagine Me   …By having our monthly meetings, the artist, who may work a day job or run a family, is encouraged to return to work to provide progress notes. There is no strike against them if they cannot bring something new every month as we […]

Dave Heath One Brief Moment

  Dave Heath – One Brief Moment Review by Simon Bray   Within the opening pages of Dave Heath’s ‘One Brief Moment,’ there is a certain air of occasion. Gathered masses fill the middle of the street, suggesting that these are not singular moments but a crowd united by a collective sense of anticipation and […]

NYC Subway Graffiti Artist Sharp – Interview (1984)

Chester Pannell interviews Sharp regarding his subway graffiti in New York City, which at the time was rather controversial and debated as a form of art. His paranoia is understandable, as anyone actually living in the year of Orwell could relate. A restored version will be released in the far future. Feb. 1984, episode #34.

Juergen Teller Discussing “Go-Sees” and Ping-Pong

from Go-Sees @ Juergen Teller “For me I realised, in a way, within that period, ninety-eight/ninety-nine, kind of stepping back from fashion, realised what kind of a sense of power you have as a man, and what sense of power you have as a photographer.” – Juergen Teller Excerpt from an interview with the Tate, […]

Raymond Depardon: ‘Manhattan Out’ and ‘Adieu Saigon’

from Manhattan Out @ Raymond Depardon and courtesy Steidl What exists of the sensual atmosphere is counterbalanced by scenes like street-side school for teaching the newly-blind how to walk and the mangled bodies, living and dead, just hanging around. By Owen Campbell, ASX, September 2015 2015’s Adieu Saigon is a collection of images shot in […]