Tomatsu Shomei <11:02> Nagasaki An Overview

  Full Article on Patreon   …11:02 Nagasaki contains elements of documentary practice mixed with an emotional and highly subjective style of photography. In essence, the book is caught, like Kawada’s Chizu, between two schools of thought regarding photography. On the one hand, there is a legacy of photography that considers politics and a (at […]

Nobuyoshi Araki The Banquet (Shokuji)

  Full Article on Patreon   “The Banquet is a different affair built around the same context of mourning. Instead of pictures of himself or his deceased wife, Araki presents a catalog of their last meals together. The images are shot with a close-up ring flash and a short lens to give a microphotographic feel […]

Alec Soth Sleeping By the Mississippi A 2022 Reaction

  The original source material from this post comes from a long-format discussion with many different voices penning their thoughts on Instagram. I wanted to discover what people thought of Alec Soth’s Sleeping by the Mississippi in 2022. Of course, this is culled from the people who follow me on Instagram and are interested in […]

Bernhard Fuchs Autos: A Forensic Realism, A Forensic Melancholy

The Full article can be found on Patreon   “The sadness that overwhelms us, the retardation that paralyzes us, are also a shield—sometimes the last one—against madness” ― Julia Kristeva, Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia   “On my bicycle tours, time and again, I saw passenger cars, buses, and trucks that just stood around. I […]


Christine Gössler exists in my mind, or rather the photographs of her, as the eternal notion of elegy in the photographic medium. Whereas she does not haunt my own memories, I feel the burden and the weight of her portraits through the images shot and books made by her husband Seiichi Furuya. When I suggest […]

Paolo Gasparini Field of Images

  Paolo Gasparini’s lengthy career and intense scrutiny of the Latin American social and political landscape from the point of view of an outsider looking in has produced, by proxy of his many photobooks and serial investigations of place, an incredibly rich document of Latin America caught in-between disjointed moments of upheaval and the hope […]

Lee Friedlander Fundación MAPFRE

There isn’t much more that can be said regarding the importance of Friedlander’s work on the psyche of subsequent generations of photographic enthusiasts and artists alike. From his self-portraits to his Little Screens, Friedlander’s work is simultaneously charged with an inner and external pathos that presents both as a partial reflection of the artist’s psyche […]

Stephen Shore Steel Town

    Glancing at Steel Town by Stephen Shore (MACK, 2021) gives the reader the impression that what they are looking at has a point of fixity in the past. The images, produced in 1977 for Fortune Magazine, and have a quality that suggests a bygone era. Whether it is the kitsch interior of Eddie’s […]

Keld Helmer-Petersen Photographs 1941-2013

Keld Helmer-Petersen is predominantly associated with the early use of color photography as an art form. His book 122 Color Photographs self-published in 1948 is considered a pioneering photobook for its use of color though it makes up a very marginal amount of the artist’s entire body of work.     Keld Helmer-Petersen’s concerns in […]

Geir Moseid: Plucked Phantasmagoric Party

  “The partition between the real world and the photograph are nothing new to think about and yet some images refute even the casual link between the two and slip between what we perceive as verifiable and what we know to be the fantastic”   It is not often that I am confronted with work […]

Gerry Johansson- Ehime & Lalendorf und Klaber

    “it is strange for me to consider his efforts as Swedish and yet there is something to the examination of what can only be referred to as the National Camera, implicit in that sentiment are all of the complications of generalizations and archetypes. I am not trying to espouse something concrete, but rather […]

Support the Shops: Interview With Photo Book Corner Rui Ribeiral

BF: Photo Book Corner has just taken up new quarters, new premises in Lisbon. Is this the first shop that you have had for the Photo Book Corner? Can you perhaps give us a little insight into when you started working with books? Did you come through photography or was this started from the book […]