Bharat Sikka – And Then

Bharat Sikka has been on a substantial creative streak, publishing photobooks often and with high integrity and significance. I had a conversation with him about his last FW: Books titled The Sapper, a tome that explored his relationship with his father, a retired military man. One can see it as a type of collaboration, and […]

Bharat Sikka – The Sapper

“What did we talk about, my dad and I? The different kinds of plyboard and woodworking joints, the correct way to change the bit of a drill and to hold and level and aim the gun of the welder, how to tell when a tyre has gone bald […]” – Sara Baume, Handiwork, 2020 I […]

Yannick Cormier Dravidian Catharsis

  Photography has a long history of documenting performances and rituals. The two terms, though separate are inexorably linked when they cross the path of divinity in all of its forms, invocations, and variations. From Christianity to the most abject forms of its antithesis, photography has always been instrumental in the documentation of rituals, the […]

Vasantha Yogananthan’s Afterlife

  “And then we begin to dig and dig and dig”   Duration is a difficult thing to avoid in photography. You can begin a project without fully realizing how grand its scope can become. You being thinking that you have managed to capture something on an outing only to be confronted with its incessant […]

Ryan Debolski: Remember My Whatsapp Number Bro

“In contrast to the concrete metaphors in the urban architecture and the materiality of construction, the bodies and flesh of the workers on the beach refer to something humane: of the flesh, tactile and intimate, something that is deeply lacking in these isolated lives.”

Tenzing Dakpa: The Super-familiarity of Home

“This is a so much about family that the idea of the hotel and its function as the construction and as a dwelling for temporary accommodation, reflected through the blueprint cover and letterheaded endpapers is anything but the impersonal experience of temporary lodging.”

2019: A Short Guide To White People & Their Photography Books

It was the best of years….   Once again it is that time of year where I try to drum up some sort of edit from all of the incredible work the photography book world offers up. This year is difficult as I felt it has been one of the strongest years in recent memory […]

Sohrab Hura: A Carnival of Violence and then a Volta

“I felt ambivalent about what was unfolding but in the end, the psychic energy and latent subtext, prefaced by a short story involving a headless woman, a bird and a photographer was too compelling to dismiss.”

Vasantha Yogananthan: A Myth of Two Souls

“To me, The Ramayana is not only about Hinduism, it is about life in the first place. About love, loss, family, honor, success and failure… Things we all experience in our life, no matter your beliefs, religion, etc.”