Mihai Șovăială’s Holding Pattern

      Infrastructure and industrial sites offer an abstract alternative to the everyday environment. Though most of the sites associated with infrastructure remain hard to visit for various reasons, most of which deal in “security” issues, their strange form and dispossession of people in general terms make their profiles eerily desirous to photograph. There […]

Giles Price Restricted Residence Thermal Observations

  “To call Price’s book clever would be a disservice to himself and those involved. It is brave and brilliant in its assessment of the topic and should be valued for what it is not-a rush to exploit the sensitive undergirding of tragedy as featured in the work(s) of D’Agata and others”   I am […]

Thomas Kuijpers Hoarder Order American Accumulations

“The images do not look like images from the present. This suggests the potential for these objects to be lodged in a strange time-warp of consumer nostalgia. In some cases, the images appear as though they are from Dutch products thus complicating their geo-specificity and asking larger questions of tribute and nostalgia in equal measure” […]

Rebecca Norris Webb Night Calls

In memory of a young woman that I never knew. This reflection is dedicated to Carol Jenkins-Davis     I find myself combatively trying to embed myself in the images, memories and families of others. My initial hesitancy in this pursuit comes from acknowledging the failure of such an enterprise. It comes from a point […]

Narelle Autio Place in Between

” In levitating the body, it gives the psychological state of the subject’s mind and its place in the world unto slippage-a format defined by its inability to be calculated. Remove gravity, remove fixity. Employ risk”     The way we navigate our heft through space is built on its being pinioned to the ground […]

Stephen Gill’s Sublime Decay Please Notify the Sun

“Our human power of observations rests between these worlds and it cannot acknowledge either of them fully by sight. We must remain content with our dull labor and horizons and accept that without the invention of superior optics, we are blind to these worlds”   There is a world that exists in an unobservable form […]

Isabel Wenzel Counting Till Ten Precarious Rituals

“The act of ritual implies transcendence through repetition”     I am curious as to where the intersection of our digitally performed lives meet the physical form that we inhabit. I am also interested in how our physical selves occupy a space in a frame. I would go as far as to say that I […]

Seiichi Furuya & Christine Gössler Face To Face

  “We may consider these types of photographs as a glimpse, a grimace or a greeting between subject and viewer, nothing more”   It is hard to condense seven years of intimacy into the frames of 35mm negatives. You cannot easily graph the moments that pass between two orbiting worlds, the moments of affection, disagreements […]

Katherine Longly’s Hernie & Plume

“Life is not composed. It is messy”   Photography often relies on spectacle as the object of its pursuit. The photographer seeks to illuminate that which they believe will have a significance to the social and political order of the moment or that which can only be illuminated by the ability of the photographer to […]

Photobooks of the Year 2020/Welcome to the Castle

“Earlier this year, there were some high-profile twitterstorms, in which particular left-identifying figures were ‘called out’ and condemned. What these figures had said was sometimes objectionable; but nevertheless, the way in which they were personally vilified and hounded left a horrible residue: the stench of bad conscience and witch-hunting moralism”         This […]

Gerry Johansson- Ehime & Lalendorf und Klaber

    “it is strange for me to consider his efforts as Swedish and yet there is something to the examination of what can only be referred to as the National Camera, implicit in that sentiment are all of the complications of generalizations and archetypes. I am not trying to espouse something concrete, but rather […]