Walker Evans and Robert Frank – An Essay on Influence by Tod Papageorge (1981)

 The purpose of this (text) is to describe the influence of Walker Evans’ American Photographs (1938) on The Americans (1959) of Robert Frank. By Tod Papageorge The purpose of this monograph is to describe the influence of Walker Evans’ American Photographs (1938) on The Americans (1959) of Robert Frank. To do this, the photographs in […]

Camilo Jose Vergara: “The New American Ghetto” (1991)

 Vergara shows exactly what has happened to these neighborhoods. By essentially dumping the new shelters and apartment buildings in devastated, minority neighborhoods on the outskirts of Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Harlem and the Lower East Side, the city was able to avoid many lawsuits from powerful community groups.   By Frederique Krupa, November 21, 1991 […]

Interview with Shelby Lee Adams (2010)

Bert with Guitar, 1992 Shelby Lee Adams was recently interviewed by an entity that decided not to run the complete text. We are bringing it here to ASX. Q: I’ve read that you spent much of your childhood in Kentucky, but that mountain people weren’t held with much regard in your family. Can you tell […]

Famous Photographers Tell How – An Interview with Weegee (1958)

  “It’s like a modern Aladdin’s Lamp, you rub it and, in this case the camera, you push the button and it gives you the things you want.”   Click to Play (Right Click & Save to Download): “Weegee” MP3 by Weegee, 1958. From the 1958 LP “Famous Photographers Tell How” (Audio transcription by Erica […]

The Practice of Not Forgetting – Milton Rogovin in Buffalo’s Lower West Side

  Rogovin photographed what he calls “the forgotten ones” in storefront churches, the neighborhoods of the Lower West Side and Buffalo’s East Side, and in former steel mills of Lackawanna and Buffalo.   Excerpt from The Forgotten Ones It is like a movie set without actors. This Saturday morning in April 2008, Main Street in […]

HEIN-KUHN OH: “Americans Them” (1990)

Lancaster, Ohio, 1989 By Hein-Kuhn Oh, April 3, 2000 Speedgraphic Graflex Camera In 1989, in a small camera shop in Columbus, Ohio, I found a used Graflex camera which seemed to be carrying a story of its own. The camera body was covered with so many scars that it made me wonder if its former […]

INTERVIEW: “Oral History Interview with Ben Shahn” (1968)

Interview with Ben Shahn Conducted by Forrest Selvig at the Artist’s home in Roosevelt, New Jersey. September 27, 1968 FORREST SELVIG: This is an interview with Ben Shahn in his house in Roosevelt, New Jersey, and the date is the 27th of September, 1968. The interviewer is Forrest Selvig. BEN SHAHN: Well, you asked me about […]

Paul Graham – ‘The Unreasonable Apple’ (2010)

“Perhaps here we have stumbled upon a partial, but nonetheless astonishing description of the creative act at the heart of serious photography: nothing less than the measuring and folding of the cloth of time itself.” By Paul Graham This month I read a review in a leading US Art Magazine of a Jeff Wall survey […]

Extending the Frame: An Interview with Susan Meiselas (2006)

“I do think these words “documentary” and “photojournalism” refer to different approaches but are rarely thoughtfully used to distinguish the work that is self-generated vs. assigned.”  Extending the frame: An Interview with Susan Meiselas By Joanna Heatwole, Mariola Mourelo, Afterimage, March-April, 2006 Susan Meiselas has represented difficult issues with innovative approaches throughout her thirty-year career […]

Modern Sublime: The World of Josef Koudelka (2003)

from Gypsies, 1975 @ Josef Koudelka and Magnum Photos “I am not interested in talking about things, explaining about the whys and the hows. I do not mind showing my images, but not so much my contact sheets. I mainly work from small test prints. I often look at them, sometimes for a long time. […]

F. Jack Hurley on Russell Lee (1973)

  By F. Jack Hurley Originally published in IMAGE: Journal of Photography and Motion Pictures of the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, September, 1973 To try to capsulize the work of Russell Lee into a short article is an essentially impossible task. The man has been active in the field of photography […]

Interview with Roy Stryker (1972)

Edited transcript of a lengthy 1972 interview with Stryker. Conducted by Robert J. Doherty, F. Jack Hurley, Jay M. Kloner, and Carl G. Ryant. R: Could you tell us just briefly about your background before you went to Washington in the thirties? Now, let’s see. After I got out of high school, I started to […]