A Conversation Between Robert Morat and Matteo Di Giovanni

RM: What is “home“ to you? Maybe also talk about where and how you grew up and where you feel your roots are. MDG: This is a question I’ve been asking myself many times in the last few years and – to be frank – I still don’t have a definitive answer. I’m more prone […]

Giles Price Restricted Residence Thermal Observations

  “To call Price’s book clever would be a disservice to himself and those involved. It is brave and brilliant in its assessment of the topic and should be valued for what it is not-a rush to exploit the sensitive undergirding of tragedy as featured in the work(s) of D’Agata and others”   I am […]

Francesca Todde: A Sensitive Education

  “If one day we reduced our bestiary knowledge to flight, I would wake to a world brimming with potential calamity”   It is possible that I have not met the right type of bird. I will admit a deep distrust with their whole phylum. If one day we reduced our bestiary knowledge to flight, […]

Broomberg & Chanarin The Late Estate

“Something about our goodbye will always scratch like an infected nipple under a peasant’s burlap shirt. How else to carry these potatoes?”   I will freely admit that I am questioning to myself whether you are worth more to me dead or alive. Of course, this is mostly due to the uncomfortable feelings of loss […]

Thomas Kuijpers Hoarder Order American Accumulations

“The images do not look like images from the present. This suggests the potential for these objects to be lodged in a strange time-warp of consumer nostalgia. In some cases, the images appear as though they are from Dutch products thus complicating their geo-specificity and asking larger questions of tribute and nostalgia in equal measure” […]

Isabel Wenzel Counting Till Ten Precarious Rituals

“The act of ritual implies transcendence through repetition”     I am curious as to where the intersection of our digitally performed lives meet the physical form that we inhabit. I am also interested in how our physical selves occupy a space in a frame. I would go as far as to say that I […]

Thomas Demand: House of Card

“Demand found in Lautner’s dusty models a way of problem solving and working through designs even though these were for Lautner’s building proposals that never saw realisation.”

Laura Rodari’s Tremulous MALìA

  “The sky trembled and the ground cracked releasing a long and enduring hissing sound-a novella sprung from Aeolus’ purse”     He and his men had turned to stone-a frozen grimace occupied the folds near the corner of his mouth, and their eyes glazed adrift upwards and fearful. Aside from the tales of witchcraft, […]

Alex Llovet’s The Escape Velocity

““Everything tries to escape from that which determines its freedom”   Escape velocity is in scientific terms, according to the grand doyen (cough, cough) of free knowledge Wikpedia “the minimum speed needed for a free, non-propelled object to escape from the gravitational influence of a massive body, that is, to achieve an infinite distance from […]

Sara Perovic: #My Father’s Legs…

“Once visible and unlocked, they percolate #laying bizarre and metaphorically #fecund vibrating eggs of possibility in the back of the ocular orbit”     I like to think of projects like this as a manual to disarm the author’s hidden obsessions. Once visible and unlocked, they percolate #laying bizarre and metaphorically #fecund vibrating eggs of […]

Ruminations on Paul Graham’s A1 The Great North Road

  “The way in which we write history is tinged with this conundrum. It suggests blinders in the very least and in doing so, should compel an understanding of context that is piecemeal or limited”   It’s often difficult to unpack a particular body of work or historic book that has been republished without regarding […]

Martin Bladh & Karolina Urbaniak: The Torture of The 100 Pieces

  “I notice the light feathery blonde hairs covering the unnaturally ubiquitous cuttings on forearms from teenage years of the Twentieth Century the world over. It exemplifies our (b)anal tragedies”   Smoke began to fill the car.     I wish to inconsistently cccccconsider the body’s ccccccartographic potential. Not happy to ultimately see it as […]