“Throughout Meaker’s book, there is a pervasive sense of an unseen world, a drawing back of the curtain to reveal places that are looked over or are content to sit idyll and unobserved for the sale of their posterity. The artist pivots her camera towards the thicket and stagnant pools of water left behind in the wake of the water’s slow retreat. It looks soft and welcoming, like a child’s fort built from the bramble and twisting branches formed from water-logged trees. I am reminded obliquely of an idea of Pan’s Labyrinth, not in as much as the Guillermo Del Toro film itself, but the safety offered from the cruel world just outside the enclave of the Floodplain. The images are charcoal grey, and a particular melancholic preamble is evident in the reading of the images, which perhaps says more about the author than the Floodplains themselves. Melancholy is a condition, not a judgment. It also bears scrutiny to suggest that melancholy and ecology make confident bedfellows in the 21st Century, where angst and anxiety regarding the climate and its changes are pertinent and visible.”
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Abbey Meaker Floodplains
The book was designed by The Brother in Elysium and was published in an edition of 100 digitally printed. It has been sewn and bound into a letterpress-printed dust jacket.
Published by Another Earth